The cover is the first page of the book which indirectly tell the content of the book. Therefore, analyzing the textbooks covers using representational meaning theory is one of appropiate ways to make the reader understand well about textbooks covers. This study aimed to find out the types of representational meaning and to review the most dominant types of representational meaning used in Indo…
Dalam mencapai prestasi belajar yang maksimal diperngaruhi oleh faktor eksternal (pola asuh) dan faktor internal (self concept). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji teori dari Baumrind dan Black bahwa pengasuhan authoritative memiliki hubungan posistif dengan prestasi akademik Sedangkan teori tentang self concept dari Green, Geneive Nelson, Martin, dan Marsh bahwa peningkatan self concept akan …
Academic self-concept is an evaluative self-perception that is formed through experience with and interpretation of one's school environment Our academic self-concept relates to how well we do in school or how well we learn. Meanwhile, self efficacy is defined as a person’s or students’ belief about their ability to do something to achieve a goal. Persons with strong efficacy beliefs are mo…