Hasil belajar dapat diperoleh secara maksimal melalui suatu proses pembelajaran. Namun dalam kenyataannya, proses pembelajaran yang berlangsung saat ini belum sesuai dengan tujuan dari adanya pembelajaran yakni mengupayakan perubahan pada siswa, baik perubahan dari segi kognitif, afektif, maupun psikomotorik. Diantara penyebab kegagalan tersebut salah satunya adalah guru kurang tepat dalam memi…
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INFO: TIDAK DIPAJANG di rak. SILAKAN AKSES softcopy koleksi ini di etheses.iainkediri.ac.id ---------------|||| Registrasi Log-in ke BAG. REPOSITORY !
Indonesian students have difficulties in learning English especially reading because English is not their first language. The problem is that reading is not an easy skill to master as it is thought and reading is a complicated process. This research aims to know whether using KWL strategy is effective in teaching reading comprehension. The research design of this study is a quasi-experimental.…
Speaking is one of important skills in learning language, and it is one of English skills that should be taught in Senior High School level. Teaching speaking is important for senior high school to face globalization era in which communication takes an important role in community. To master one of English skill; speaking skill, it needs a strategy. In this research, the strategies which are use…