Teacher feedback is one of the features of teacher talks that is an imputat part that cannot be avoided to communicate in EFL classes Feedback is conceptualized as information about a person's performance or understanding delivered by the educator Previous research has shown the findings of feedback in Indonesia. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting research at MTs…
Shadow Teacher merupakan seseorang tenaga pendidik inti yang memberikan layanan kependidikan terhadap anak berkebutuhan khusus yang mengenyam pendidikan di sekolah umum dengan menggunakan sistem pendidikan iklusif. Akan tetapi, sebagian shadow teacher tidak memiliki kompetensi Pendidikan Luar Biasa sehingga sering mengalami berbagai permasalahan. Sehingga Shadow teacher mengalami berbagai masa-…
Classroom discourse plays a pivotal role in the learning process. The teacher should consider it in the process of teaching One of the ways to help the teaching process is by employing code-switching practice. This study is aimed to find types and functions of code-switching practiced by the teacher. This present study used descriptive qualitative design. The data were got from classroom …
In teaching and learning process, interaction becomes one of the important things By using good interaction between teacher and students, the situation in the classroom will be condusive Interaction is also important to make good understanding of students in the lesson Teacher's role is also important to manage the classroom. Therefore, this study is intended to know the interaction between tea…
This study aimed at improving students reading achievement through Teachers Questioning strategy of the students in MA Al-Huda Kota Kediri. The subject of this study was the tenth grade students which consist of 12 students, 9 female students and 3 male students. In this study the researcher used Narrative text for the material. This study used Classroom Action Research (CAR) and it is conducte…
Teacher interaction plays as a significant role in learning process. The interaction is called feedback. One type of feedback that becomes the focus of this study is corrective feedback. This topic still becomes debatable issue. There are some pros and cons among the researchers regarding to this issue. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out how students perception on oral correcti…
Penelitian berujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan everyone is teacher here dalam meningkatkan minat belajar SKI siswa VIII di MTsN 5 Nganjuk. Juga bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh model everyone is teacher here dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar SKI siswa kelas VIII di MTsN 5 Nganjuk. Penelitian juga ditujukan mengetahui pengaruh penerapan the pwer of two dalam meningkatkan minat belajar SKI s…