The objective of this research is to investigate whether the students taught using project based learning have better writing skill than the students taught by non project based learning. The research design is quasi experimental design. The subject of the research is the student at the second grade of Sosial Class of SMAN 1 Ngadiluwih. It is done by comparing two class, experimental and contr…
Mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam bersifat komplek jika dilihat dari maten yang ada, sehingga model pembelajaran yang diterapkanpun bisa beragam sesum kebutuhan dan tujuan yang ingin dicapai. Salah satunya bila ditinjau dari aspek tujuannya yang mengarah pada ranah kognitif, afektif, psikomotorik, maka bisa menggunakan model model pembelajaran berbasis project (project based learning) ya…
Writing is one of tools to communicate each other. It is a language skill that should be learned by almost people to deliver thought or to express feeling through written form. Writing is language skill that should be learned by the students of MTsN 5 Nganjuk. Based on syllabus, seven grade students are required to learn descriptive text. In fact, most of the students have problem related to wr…