The aim of this research is to find out the effectiveness in using Transition-Action - Details (TAD) Strategy in teaching writing recount text at the second year of MTs PSM Loceret, Nganjuk TAD (Transition Action Details) strategy is writing strategy that uses TAD chart consisting of column and rows showing a sequence of events. There are three column that should be filled by participant transi…
This research is to improve students' writing skills of MTs Sunan Ampel through silent video. In this research the researcher focused on improving students' writing skill in recount text by developing the imagination of eighth grade students of MT's Sunan Ampel. The method used in this research is a type of Classroom Action Research (CAR), which is to overcome and identify problems in the proce…
Writing is considered the most troublesome activity for the students. Indonesian students frequently encounter challenge and difficulties in the process of writing. The situation causes interference of the first language (L.) at the moment of learning the English. It is an aspect that hinders writing skill development Therefore, this study was conducted to analyze the interference produced by t…
Writing activity is composing, developing ideas into some words. Writing English as a foreign language is a challenging and complex task for non-native learners. Thus, many grammatical errors found in students' writing. Grammatical error connects to learners' gap between their knowledge that they do not know what the correct one is. Learners do not realize their erroneous. Thus, this study exam…
Writing is a language skill that has to be learned by the students of MAN 1 Kediri. In fact, most of students have problem in writing recount text. The students could not write recount text because they did not master the structure of recount text and also the language future that used. The objective of this study is to investigates whether the students who are taught writing recount text by us…
Writing is an important skill in teaching and learning English process. Because writing needs some components' mastery, there are some problems related to students' ability in writing. The common problems that students often face when writing is the lack of English language vocabulary that make them feel writing is difficult subject. There are various ways to organize sentences in a piece of wr…
Writing is one of important skill in English. Sometimes, writing is considered as the hardest language skill because it is a productive skill in learning language. Writing is language skill that should be learned by the students of SMAN 1 Papar. Based on the 2004 Senior High School Curriculum, students need to know how to write letters, short message, advertisement, news, electronic mail, etc. …
Indonesian students have difficulties in learning English especially reading because English is not their first language. The problem is that reading is not an easy skill to master as it is thought and reading is a complicated process. This research aims to know whether using KWL strategy is effective in teaching reading comprehension. The research design of this study is a quasi-experimental.…
Writing is a form of communication that allows students to put their feelings and ideas on paper, to organize their knowledge and beliefs into convincing arguments, and to convey meaning through well-constructed text. The research is improving writing skill in recount text of the first year students of MAN 1 Kediri using guiding question. The purpose of the research is to improve the studentsâ€â€¦