Reading is viewed as one of the most important skill that is required by an individual for language learning and acquisition. In the practice, introversion- extroversion personality as one of psychological factor played an important role in influencing students' reading skill. This research is aimed at investigating the correlation between students' personality type and students reading compreh…
This thesis studied about the Malala's effort needed to fight for education inl Am Malalanovel. The objectives of this research are to describe the Malala's personality and the efforts of Malala Yousafzai. The researcher uses one kind of instrument, it is the researcher herself. The researcher becomes the data collector, reader, interpretation and analyzer of this research finding. The prima…
Personality traits are believed in influencing the result of students' language performance along with their engagement and their self-directed learning based on the reason above. This research is aimed to figure out the direct and indirect effect on students' English achievement through personality traits, students' engagement and self-directed learning as the mediating variable This resear…
Berdasarkan informasi dari kedua gay terdapat perbedaan sifat yang dimiliki sehingga mereka punya katakter atau kepribadian yang berbeda-beda yang membuat mereka bahagia. Big Five Personality dapat memprediksi dan menjelaskan perilaku berdasarka sifat-sifat kepribadian setiap individu. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kategori big five personality dengan psychologica…
Pondok Pesantren Al-Amien Kediri adalah suatu lembaga pendidikan dan dakwah yang didirikan oleh seorang KH. Muhammad Anwar Iskandar. Beliau tidak sendiri untuk mengurus pondok tersebut, akan tetapi dibantu oleh para pengurus pondok. Menjadi pengurus pondok tidaklah mudah untuk dilakukan, selain memiliki tanggung jawab yang besar, mereka adalah seorang mahasiswi yang juga masih memiliki kekaluta…