Kerusakan yang terjadi di bumi tdak lain kontributor terbesarnya dalah manusia, sebagaimana yang tertera dalam QS. Ar-Ruum ayat 41-42. Islam tidak hanya mengatur hubungan dengan Allah, dengan sesama manuisa tetapi juga dengan alam dan lingkungan. Melihat kerusakan yang terjadi di lingkungan bagaimana kontribusi pendidikan dalam menangani hal tersebut. Dengan adanya Pendidikan Lingkungan H…
As a foreign language, English is sometimes considered a very difficult subject to be mastered by Thai students. The purpose of the study is to know the problems of Thailand students in learning English grammar at State Islamic Institute of Kediri. According to Betty subject-verb-agreement is divided into four part as follows: agreement between subject and verb, subject-verb-agreement with…
Based on the writer’s preliminary study, it was found that the students could not comprehend the meaning of texts in their text book at the school. This problem was caused by some factors. For example, some students could not understand about the content of reading text and identify the detailed information of the text, so the writer was interested in carrying out the research about this …