This research aims to develop English learning materials which are incorporated with religious alues for tenth graders of Islamic senior high school (Madrasah Aliyah) at Miftahul "Ula Nganjuk Seaching English in context becomes an essential issue especially for the students who hold the Islamic ackground The idea to incorporate religious values in learning materials is very important to engage …
Recently, technology is a part of every ones' life. This case is also influence the education. Right now, teachers also involve technology in their teaching. This research aimed at finding the answer of to what extend English teachers at Islamic senior high schools in Nganjuk have used Information and Communication Technology in their teaching, teachers' perception, the kinds of technology used…
Pada awalnya organisasi ini diabaikan bahkan oleh presiden Amerika Serikat Barrack Obama. Namun Isis mengejutkan dunia ketika sukses menbaklukkan wilayah yang luasnya setara dengan wilayah Inggris Raya dan mengumumkan siap menumpahkan darah siapa pun yang menghalangi jalan mereka. Wartawan berkebangsaan Amerika Michaek D Weiss dan analis syria Hassan Hassan, dalam buku ini menjelaskan bagaim…
The objective of the research was to develop Islamic based narrative texts for Islamic senior high schools students in Malang. This was a Research and Development (R&D) proposed by Borg and Gall. The researcher modified the model according to the needs of the research purpose by small scale, and to meet a gap that cannot be fulfilled by Borg and Gull's model. The adapted models for developing I…
kepemimpinan yang membantu orang lain untuk memimpin diri mereka sendiri. Memasuki abad ke-21, SuperLeadership merupakan konsep penting karena dapat memberikan berbagai alternatif dalam mengukur keberhasilan seseorang. Konsep kepemimpinan yang dianjurkan menurut Islam tentunya tidak lepas dari konsep kepemimpinan yang diharapkan oleh Rasulullah saw. yang tertuang dalam Alquran dan hadis. Buku …
Contesting Justice examines the development of the laws and practices governing the status of women in Muslim society, particularly in terms of marriage, polygamy, inheritance, and property rights. Ahmed E. Souaiaia argues that such laws were not methodically derived from legal sources but rather are the preserved understanding and practices of the early ruling elite. Based on his quantitative,…