This thesis is a research about An Analysis of Social Conflict in Cory Taylor's Novel "Me and Mr Booker". The objective of the research is, to explain the kinds and causes of social conflict happen in the novel "Me and Mr Booker". The Researcher focused on any characther in the novel. The objective of the study were to explain kinds social conflict used Lewis Coser Theory. The method used in…
Film is a media that combines moving words and images Films are also often garded as medium of mass communication that is very effective in influencing society. Because this communication tool uses audio visual elements, namely sound and live images The existence of sounds and image is certainly able to make the film tell or explain sation well in a short duration. This research has two problem…
Reading is an important ability for students to succeed in their learning process. The teachers have to provide the students with an effective and interesting strategy in teaching reading comprehension. Make a match is a strategy introduced and developed by Lorna Curran. Make a match is a statistic used by teachers to make students more active and responsible in the learning process with more i…
Speaking is an oral communication that is used to express ideas, feelings, and thought among people. In teaching speaking, there are several things that must be done to improve students' speaking skill. The teacher must be able to be a facilitator for students in learning activities in a classroom. Many students are easy to get bored in facing English, especially toward speaking. The picture se…
Writing is important for English learners to transfer information and ideas. Writing is a physiological activity of the language user to put information in the written text. The role of the teachers is very important in helping the students. Even though teachers need to implement intriguing strategies to enhance students during the lesson, there is also a non-technical aspect that probably infl…
Semua anak terlahir dengan kemampuan yang berbeda-beda sehingga setiap anak memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda, baik berbeda dalam bidang akademik maupun non akademik. Beberapa anak kadang terlahir tidak sempurna sehingga mereka memerlukan perhatian dan pengawasan yang khusus, mereka memiliki hak yang sama juga terhadap bidang pendidikan. Salah satu anak berkebutuhan khusus adalah anak dengan …