Mastering grammar and speaking are not easy to do for students who are learning English, because they have to face the different conditions and situations, moreover in Indonesia. The learners often do some errors both in writing and speaking. The solution is giving some new methods in teaching speaking, in order that the students will be brave to practice speaking correctly especially on the gr…
Dusun Ngesong Sumber Bentis merupakan sebuah dusun yang dihuni oleh dua penganut agama, yaitu Islam dan Katolik. Dialog di dusun tersebut sangat baik. Hal ini telah dilakukan oleh anak-anak sampai orang dewasa dan terdapat pernikahan lintas agama yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat setempat. Dengan adanya hal tersebut tentunya dapat memicu terjadinya konflik antar umat beragama, namun realitasnya ma…
Indonesia merupakan negara yang terdiri dari berbagai latar belakang keagamaan, ras, etnis, budaya maupun bahasa. Dialog menjadi suatu harapan dan jalan terang bagi kemanusiaan yang dapat ditawarkan oleh agama-agama. Dialog di Indonesia identik dengan peran laki-laki didalamnya. Berbeda halnya dengan di Desa Wonoasri Kecamatan Grogol Kabupaten Kediri, Karena keaktifan para perempuan dalam kegia…
Keywords: conversational implicature, flouting maxims, violating maxim, dialogue. In order to communicate well with the readers, novel authors try to direct the readers to understand the general life stories of the novel. They sometimes insert some dialogues to complete or support their works. The researcher found that a case of creating implicature by flouting and violating maxims in the …
Keywords: conversational implicature, flouting maxims, violating maxim, dialogue. In order to communicate well with the readers, novel authors try to direct the readers to understand the general life stories of the novel. They sometimes insert some dialogues to complete or support their works. The researcher found that a case of creating implicature by flouting and violating maxims in the …