Sikap Ilmiah (Scientific Attitude) merupakan salah satu hal yang penting dalam suatu proses pembelajaran. Sikap Ilmiah (Scientific Attitude) dalam kegiatan pembelajaran mengindikasikan bahwa setiap individu mempunyai sikap rasa ingin tahu, objektif terhadap data dan fakta, berfikir kritis, penemuan dan kreatifitas, berpikiran terbuka dan kerjasama, dan peka terhadap lingkungan yang tinggi..…
Technology can be used in every diverse way within the classroom, it will concentrate in teacher preparation and creativity, for example through conducting online forums, dynamizing virtual reality test, simulating, or performing activities, assignments, and competition through the virtual setting. Recently, students' task, test, and assignment have been in the form of online. When applying onl…
There are various tests that are utilized to see a person ability in English. One of them is Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). The main purpose of TOEFL test is to seek the test-takers English proficiency in direct and indirect situations. The learning process of TOEFL and the score of TOEFL was influenced by some factors. From the previous study it will be influence with epistemic…
During the teaching and learning process in writing context, EFL learners have their own intrinsic problems. Spesifically, they tend to experiences some psychological tension due to their learning process and experience. Some possible problems that comes to them are writing anxiety, writing attitude and language awareness. In order to solve these psychological tension, they definitely need to d…
The purpose of this study is to investigate the attitudes and motivation of eleventh grade undergraduates toward English language learning as a foreign language. The study was carried out with 34 students majoring in social science at the Senior High School Plosoklaten Kediri. This research used descriptive quantitative research as a methodand questionnaires to collect the data. A self-re…