The analysis is an activity in which a person distinguished and describes something to classify based on a specific criterion. The analysis also can be described as an ability to solve or untangle an information to be little components in order to make easy in understanding the information. Moral values are one basis on which people make decisions that are right or wrong. Moral values have …
Stereotypes are socially constructed and a common example of a gender stereotype is that men are more likely to be seen as aggressive and competitive whereas women tend to be perceived as passive and cooperative. Textbooks in schools still have a significant role in educating children as sources of knowledge and information for students and as a term of reference for teachers. At the same time …
Writing is one of the skills in learning English. To make a good written, the writer need to pay attention to many things to have a good writing skill. Grammar is the most important one in writing. It is because grammar is a basis in learning language, especially English. Without having a good grammar, the sentences in students’ paragraph will also be difficult to be understood. And in a…
Apakah yang dimaksud dengan Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) atau Analisis Wacana Kriris (AWK) itu? Bagaimanakah sejarah kemunculannya dan mengapa ia penting dipelajari saat ini? Siapa sajakah tokohnya dan siapa pula yang memengaruhi pemikiran mereka? Di mana... Baca Semua