The objectives of this research are to find out the correlation betwem (1) To find out the significant correlation between motivation and self-confidence(2) To find out the significant correlation between self-confidence and students speaking ability (3) To find out the significant correlation between motivation and students' students' speaking ability (4) To find out the significant multiple c…
Each student has different ways to perceive information from the learning process Some prefer to listen carefully to get new information conveyed by their teacher, or perhaps they prefer to obtain further information. In contrast, other students may understand better by body movement what the teacher has demonstrated One of the factors that help determine how well students learn a second or for…
Metode sorogan adalah suatu metode pembelajaran di lingkungan pesantren dimana para santri menghadap langsung kepada Kyai atau ustadz untuk membaca, menghafal dan menjelaskan pembelajaran dalam kitab. Metode sorogan kitab sangat efektif dan efisien di terapkan dalam ekstrakulikuler sorogan kitab. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui (1) Bagaimana Penerapan Metode Sorogan Kitab Kuning D…