One aim of education for the 21 Century Skills is to develop the problem solving, critical thinking and higher order thinking skills. The researcher using Bloom's taxonomy revised to analyze the English National Examination analyze, evaluate, create. The objective of the study are: (1) to know to what extent do the questions in English National Examination for Junior High School in 2013-2019 ac…
RS Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Kota Kediri merupakan rumah sakit yang dimiliki oleh Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah. Oleh karena itulah RS Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan mengikuti prinsip tata kelola rumah sakit yang sudah ditetapkan oleh PP Muhammadiyah. PP Muhammadiyah sudah menetapkan tata kelola rumah sakit dalam rumusan Standar Islami Rumah Sakit Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah (SIRSMA). SIRSMA inilah yang men…
Pembelajaran yang mengarahkan pada kreatifitas dan keefektifan peserta didik. Higher order thinking skill pada level C4 (menganalisis), C5 (mengevaluasi) dan C6 (menemukan/mencipta) pada pembelajaran Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam, terbukti dapat menumbuh kembangkan pola fikir peserta didik yang lebih kreatif dan inovatif. Sebagaimana yang telah diterapkan oleh guru MTSN 2 Kota Kediri dalam pembelaja…
The objectives of this research are to find out the correlation betwem (1) To find out the significant correlation between motivation and self-confidence(2) To find out the significant correlation between self-confidence and students speaking ability (3) To find out the significant correlation between motivation and students' students' speaking ability (4) To find out the significant multiple c…
Each student has different ways to perceive information from the learning process Some prefer to listen carefully to get new information conveyed by their teacher, or perhaps they prefer to obtain further information. In contrast, other students may understand better by body movement what the teacher has demonstrated One of the factors that help determine how well students learn a second or for…
Hujjah al-Islam Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali (w.1111), tidak saja mengakui empiris, rasio, intuisi dan otoritas sebagai sumber pengetahuan, sebagaimana epistemologi modern, tetapi ia menunjukkan keniscayaan superioritas ladunniy (ilham-wahyu) dan otoritas (wali-nabi) dalam pengetahuan dan kebenaran. la mengembalikan pengetahuan dan kebenaran itu kepada sumbersegalasumber pengetahuan yaitu Alla…
Personality traits are believed in influencing the result of students' language performance along with their engagement and their self-directed learning based on the reason above. This research is aimed to figure out the direct and indirect effect on students' English achievement through personality traits, students' engagement and self-directed learning as the mediating variable This resear…
There are various tests that are utilized to see a person ability in English. One of them is Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). The main purpose of TOEFL test is to seek the test-takers English proficiency in direct and indirect situations. The learning process of TOEFL and the score of TOEFL was influenced by some factors. From the previous study it will be influence with epistemic…