Textbook is all book used in the teaching and learning process, including working book, modules, and reference book. It means that textbook plays the important roles in English teaching learning. Beside, textbooks are the instruments that help both of teachers and learners in process of English language learning. Some of learning material cannot be taught without textbook. The textbook …
Kesalahan dalam membedakan penggunaan between dan among, during dan for, pembentukan benda jamak yang tidak beraturan, merupakan kesalahan-kesalahan umum yang sering terjadi. Selain itu, masih banyak lagi kesalahan umum yang terlihat “sepele” tetapi sebenarnya fatal. Buku ini ditujukan untuk kamu yang telah memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris dasar hingga menengah, tetapi masih kesulitan men…
Interactions/Mosaic Silver Edition is a fully-integrated, 18-book academic series. Language proficiencies are articulated across five ability levels (beginning through advanced) within each of the four language skill strands. Chapter themes articulate across the four skill strands to systematically recycle content, vocabulary, and grammar. New to the Silver Edition Teacher…