School is a place which is devoted to the teaching and learning activities that consists of teachers, students, and some staffs. There are so many efforts have been constructed by the teacher, such as creating an interesting learning strategy and some media. This way is done in order that the students can be more active when learning process. But, the reality in some cases is we still find the …
BUNGA RAMPAI ISLAM DAN GENDER merupakan kumpulan hasil diskusi tentang pemikiran kajian-kajian keislaman dan gender dengan inter-relasi isu-isu gender terkini. Buku ini dimaksudkan sebagai referensi tambahan bagi pemikir Islam dan Gender, serta — tidak menutup kemungkinan juga — bermanfaat bagi para akfivis dalam gerakan gender dan anak berbasis Islam.
Stereotypes are socially constructed and a common example of a gender stereotype is that men are more likely to be seen as aggressive and competitive whereas women tend to be perceived as passive and cooperative. Textbooks in schools still have a significant role in educating children as sources of knowledge and information for students and as a term of reference for teachers. At the same time …
Untuk mengetahui lebih jauh prespektif kyai tentang kesetaraan gender dalam keluarga, buku ini menguraikan secara detail berbagai hal terkait dengan pesatren, ajaran dalam kitab kuning, teori-teori gende, perubahan prespektif kyai serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya.