Motivation plays important role for students. Because motivation give big effect to students in learning English, it help students develop their achievement. Many research studies on students' motivation in learning English. This research also study the students' motivation in learning English, is it high, medium, or low, and also to know the correlation between students' motivation and student…
The research deals with study of flouting maxim in EFL classroom interaction at MTsN 2 Kota Kediri. There are two problems of the study: (1) What maxims are flouted in classroom interaction during EFL teaching and learning process? (2) What flouting maxims are dominant in classroom interaction during EFL teaching and learning process? The researcher applies the theory of flouting maxim by Grice…
Textbook is all book used in the teaching and learning process, including working book, modules, and reference book. It means that textbook plays the important roles in English teaching learning. Beside, textbooks are the instruments that help both of teachers and learners in process of English language learning. Some of learning material cannot be taught without textbook. The textbook …
Textbooks as the printed form of instructional materials play a vital role in any English language teaching program. An evaluation of English textbooks was needed to make sure the appropriates of the English textbooks for students. The textbooks should be not only valued based on their visual illustration but also based on their cultural background and goals of EFL learning. The aim of th…
Textbook played important roles in English language teaching. An evaluation of English textbook was needed to make sure the appropriate of English textbook for students. The textbook should be not only value based on visual illustration but also based on their language feature. This research aimed to analyze the transitivity of genres that is used by English in focus textbook. This stud…
Setiap bahasa memiliki kaidah dan karakter masing-masing, begitu juga halnya dengan bahasa Inggris. Misalnya dalam hal tenses, bahasa Inggris memiliki keunikan dan keragaman yang jauh lebih banyak dibanding bahasa Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, pembelajar dituntut untuk mengetahui pola dan penggunaan setiap tenses. Terlebih di dalam belajar structure bahasa Inggris, akan lebih baik jika pembelajar…
This study focuses on the correlation between students’ multiple intelligence and their performance in reading section of IELTS at IAIN Kediri. There are eight types of multiple intelligences according to Gardner. Those are linguistic-verbal, musical, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and naturalist intelligences. In terms of performance, it ref…
Jangan biarkan TOEFL menjadi momok yang menghalangi cita-citamu. Pelajari triknya, taklukkan tesnya, dan upgrade skor TOEFL-mu. Buku ini pasti bisa membantumu meraih impianmu, karena berisi: Strategi jitu taklukkan TOEFL per section (Listening, Reading, Structure, dan Written Comprehension Test). FAQ semua tentang TOEFL. Fakta dan Mitos tentang TOEFL. Kamus mini sinonim…
This course gives students the skills, strategies, practice and confidence they need to increase their scores on all sections of the TOEFL Test, including the Test of Written English. This edition reflects the revised TOEFL, first administered in July 1995, and skill coverage has been expanded for all sections. Volume A explains and practices key language points so that students improve their l…