Test is one of good important components in teaching and learning process. A good English test will help students to learn the language by requiring them to study hard, emphasizing the objectives of the course and also showing them in which parts of the course they need improvement. There are the components which relate each other actually in teaching and learning process. They are goal, activi…
Discourse analysis is a way of describing and understanding how language is used. This study focuses on discourse markers. Discourse markers is an expression that signals the relationship of the basic message to the foregoing discourse (Fraser 1996, p.186). The purpose of this study are to analyze the types of discourse markers that are uttered by the characters in novel "The Chronicles of Narn…
Writing activity is composing, developing ideas into some words. Writing English as a foreign language is a challenging and complex task for non-native learners. Thus, many grammatical errors found in students' writing. Grammatical error connects to learners' gap between their knowledge that they do not know what the correct one is. Learners do not realize their erroneous. Thus, this study exam…
Semiotic analysis is the study about sign. This study focuses on semiotic analysis using Charles Sanders Peirce's theory. This research was conducted to investigate the interpretant types and the meaning categories that contained of frequently-used emojis, particulary in a WhatsApp Group. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. This research uses five emojis tha…
Analisi teknikal adalah teknik yang menganalisa fluktuasi harga saham-saham dengan rentang waktu tertentu adapun Indikator dalam analisis teknikal adalah formula matematis yang berfungsi untuk mengetahui bagaimana kondisi pasar dan juga untuk membantu memberikan sinyal beli atau ual. Saat ini ada ratusan atau bahkan ribuan indikator yang telah dibuat. Tiap indikator memiliki karakter dan cara p…
Question are important as tools to test your student's knowledge and skills, thus helping you to know far the students follow the learning process. In the classroom the teachers ask a question about speaking material is very varieties. Based on Bloom's taxonomy theory; there are knowledge, comprehension, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. The analysis is focused on content question type based…
Discourse analysis is concerned with the stud of the relationship between language and context in which it is use. In this research, the pragmatic interface will be investigated by studying the properties of discourse markers. Discourse markers are a linguistic device that the speaker uses to signal how the upcoming unit of speech or text relates to the current discourse. This study concerns th…
Dump truck has unique characteristic compares to other land vehicle which it decorates with graffiti on its body. The graffiti of the dump truck include writing or drawing. The writing and drawing are usually visible at its forepart, container, back and other sides. Society could be had been read the unusual writing on truck such as "gara-gara suket teki gak enek wong salah" or “luntur…
This final project is an Quantitative research. Indonesian People are difficult to learn English. Nowadays, learning contrastive analysis on Arabic and English is very important because the majority of Indonesian people are moslem. Mostly moslem, learning Arabic of Qur’an earlier. So that why, learning the correlation between those language will be useful to learn pronunciation easier. In thi…