Soekarno adalah manusia luar biasa yang pernah dilahirkan oleh ibu pertiwi dan bahkan belum tentu dalam seratus tahun kedepan akan ada sosok yang bisa menandingi figur Soekarno. Soekarno adalah founding father, orator ulung, berwibawa, kharismatik, cendekiawan, ideolog, dan bahkan sosok yang sempurna sebagai pemimpin bangsa. Karena itu, tidak heran jika sosok Soekarno tidak ada yang mampu menan…
Writing English remains a difficult skill for EFL students of senior high school since they rarely practice English in daily life. In several cases, peer correction was successfully conducted for undergraduate students but it is required to test at senior high school level by combining the genre-based approach in teaching writing. Thus, this study aims at investigating the effectiveness of peer…
The topic of this research was reading comprehension of narrative text. The theme of this study was reading comprehension trough QAR Strategy, the problem of the study was "how can QAR strategy improve the students' reading comprehension at MAN 4 Kediri". The design of this research was CAR (Classroom Action Research). The activities of this research were planning, implementing. observation and…
Based on the researcher's preliminary study, it was found that the students could not comprehend the meaning of texts in their text book at the school. This problem was caused by some factors, for example, some students could not understand about the content of reading text and identify the detailed information of the text. So, the rearcher was interested in carrying out the research about this…
Reading is one of the language skills that should be mastered by foreign language students. It plays a big role as a means of communication to achieve ideas and information. The goal of reading is comprehension. It means that the goal of teaching reading is to enable the students to read effectively and efficiently with understanding the content of the text. Teaching reading needs a good techni…
This research is about the use of EGRA to improve students' grammar mastery. The previous problems are faced by the students in SMAN 1 Papar. The students who have low score in English test are mostly coming from the tenth students. They found difficulties in understanding grammar particularly simple past tense and present perfect tense. The objective of Egra technique is to know the improvemen…