This study was conducted to find out the level of anxiety and the major factors that caused the speaking anxiety of students in 1", 3, 5th and 7th semester English Department IAIN Kediri 2019. Speaking is a main skill that have to mastered by learners, however the learners cannot achieve the great outcome in Speaking skill due to anxiety that occur in a lot of second language learners Anxiety h…
Researchers were debating upon whether the students should be grouped in classes according to their learning style preferences in order to have best learning process because it is feared that students cannot optimize their learning process in the classroom consists of students with different learning style preference. The aim of this research is to analyze if there are any significant differenc…
The objective of the research was to develop appropriate character building-based English storybook that is able to be a tool to support students' literacy media as well as English proficiency. This was a Research and Development (R&D) study. The procedure of the research followed the story book design process proposed by Borg and Gall (2003). The stages was modified in order to meet the need o…
Skor TOEFL yang tinggi adalah cermin sejauh mana seseorang menguasai bahasa inggris. Buku Brilian TOEFL ini akan membantu anda memeperoleh skor TOEFL yang memuaskan. Di dalamnya anda dapat menemukan berbagai strategi, trik, latihan, serta contoh soal yang diujikan sehingga anda dapat mempersiapkan diri dengan mantap dan mampu menghadapi tes TOEFL dengan penuh percaya diri.
Tes TOEFL menjadi alat ukur yang paling banyak digunakan institusi-institusi pendidikan. Skor tes ini biasanya disyaratkan oleh sejumlah besar perguruan tingi yang menggunakan Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar. Bahkan, sejumlah perguruan tinggi di Indonesia telah menjadikan TOEFL sebagai syarat kelulusan atau penerimaan mahasiswanya. Tes ini meliputi speaking, listening, reading dan writi…