The effectiveness of using Whatsapp media in teaching reading skill
Reading is one of skills in English lesson which to be mastered by the students Senior High School in Indonesia based on the Standard of Competence (Standar Kompetensi / SK) and Basic Competence (Kompetensi Dasar / KD) as written in syllabus of the 2013 curriculum (K13). Teaching reading to students High Scholl needs an appropriate media to make students comprehend. There is WhatsApp media to teach reading skill on High School students. Therefore, the aim of this study is to know whether the students who are taught by WhatsApp media get better reading skill than students who are taught by E-learning Madrasah.
The design of study is quasi experimental design. Meanwhile, the population of this research is the first grade students of MAN 2 Kediri in the second semester. The sample of this research consists of two classes there are experimental group and control group. They are X Science 1 and X Science 2. The experimental group was taught by using WhatsApp media and the control group was taught by E-learning madrasah. To collect the data pre-test and post- test were applied to experimental group and control group.
The result of the test was analyzed by using ANCOVA through SPSS 26. The result is the value of the group pre-test is 000 which is lower than 0.05. Based on the result, that the researcher has enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. It means that the reading skill of the students who were taught by using WhatsApp media is better than students who were taught by using E-learning media.
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