Improving Students' Ability In Writing Using Think Pair Share Strategy At Second Grade Of MTS Sunan Muria Mojo
Muria Mojo Kediri in academic year 2016/2017. The purpose of this research was
to find out wheater and how the use Think Pair Share strategy could improve the
students’ writing ability. Based on the preliminary study, the researcher found that
students’writing was low, and the method of teaching process was not interesting,
and teachers still used conventional method. So, students feels bored and difficult
to achieve of learning target. To solve these problems, the researcher applied
Think Pair Share Strategy in teaching writing.
The research design of this research was classroom action research (CAR).
This action research was conducted in two cycles. The preliminary study, which
was followed by cycles comprise a number of steps. Those are planning, acting,
observing and reflecting. There are two meetings in each cycle. The researcher
used written test and observation checklist to collect the data. Written test was to
measure the students’ ability in writing narrative text after implementing the
strategy, and observation checklistwas to monitor students` activities during
teaching learning process in the classroom.
The result of this research shows that Think Pair Share strategy could
improve the students’ writing ability. The students’result, shows that there were
23 students (74,1 %) pass the test in cycle 1, and it increased to be 27 students
(87.0 %) in cycle 2. There were 12,9% improvement of students’ result from first
cycle to second cycle. It proved with the criteria of success 75, so it can be
success that we used Think Pair Share strategy.
Based on the result of the study, the researcher concludes that using Think
Pair Share strategy could improve at second grade students’ writing ability in
writing Narrative Text at MTs Sunan Muria Mojo. It is suggested that English
teacher should implement the Think Pair Share strategy as an alternative strategy
in writing subject.
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