The implementation of tai (team assisted individualization) method to improve the skill in writing descriptive text of the first graders of ma al-manar prambon nganjuk / Khusnul Kotimah
Key Words: Writing, Descriptive Text, TAI Method
Writing is important to be learnt because in writing we can explore anything in our mind as we want. Through descriptive text, the students can express their ideas on the paper. The students can describe anything and make the readers to be interested. However, the students’ score in writing descriptive text at the first graders of MA Al-Manar Prambon Nganjuk is low. It appeared that score in writing descriptive text was still far from the Standard Score of English Subject that is 78. It happened because they could not understand and difficult to describe things. Moreover, they are not confident to express their ideas on the paper. Based on the problems in the classroom, the researcher wants to improve the students’ writing in descriptive text by using the TAI method.
The research design of this study is classroom action research (CAR). CAR consists of four parts, they are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. In this research, the researcher do two cycles and each cycle consist of two meetings. The setting of this study is at MA Al-Manar Prambon Nganjuk. The subject of the study is at X-4 class, its consist 28 students. In this research, the researcher uses two instruments to get the data analysis; those are observational checklist and written test.
In cycle 1, the researcher divided students to be seven group heterogeneously. Then, the researcher explained about descriptive text and gave example of descriptive text. After that, the researcher gave a descriptive’ text to each group and asked them to discuss the text. The last meeting in cycle 1, the students were asked to make outline of descriptive text in their group. After that, each student had to write a descriptive text individually based on the outline. The result of cycle 1 was not good enough, it was appeared that there were only 5 students had achieved the criterion score and 23 students had not achieved the criterion score. Therefore, the researcher did cycle 2. The result of cycle 2 was good because all of the students had achieved the criterion score. There were 3 students had achieved score 90 and 25 students’ score was 80. All of the students was fulfilled the standard criterion of success. Finally, it can be concluded that the TAI method can improve the students’ skill in writing descriptive text.
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