Like all of us, though few so visibly, Alan Greenspan was forced by the financial crisis of 2008 to question some fundamental assumptions about risk management and economic forecasting. No one with any meaningful role in economic decision making in the world saw beforehand the storm for what it was. How had our models so utterly failed us? To answer this question, Alan Greenspan embarked on …
The Great Recession is more than four years old―and counting. Yet, as Paul Krugman points out in this powerful volley, "Nations rich in resources, talent, and knowledge―all the ingredients for prosperity and a decent standard of living for all―remain in a state of intense pain." How bad have things gotten? How did we get stuck in what now can only be called a depression? And above all,…
Didasarkan pada penelitian-penelitian mendalam selama I8 tahun dalam skala nasional maupun internasional, buku "Kearifan Lokal Keunggulan Global - Cakrawala Baru di Era Globalisasi" mengupas mengenai keunggulan dan tantangan yang dihadapi oleh Indonesia dalam kancah global. Menyajikan kisah profesional Indonesia yang telah sukses menuai prestasi di kancah global. "Menjadi sosok yang siap mengha…
Banyak keluarga Indonesia yang belum bisa menata keuangannya dengan cermat. Banyak orang yang memiliki penghasilan cukup, namun masih bingung dengan keadaan keuangannya. Setiap orang memiliki kekhawatiran akan masa depan atau pertanyaan seperti bisa menabung atau tidak, bisa investasi atau tidak, dan sebagainya. Akan tetapi, masih banyak juga yang sudah bisa menabung dan investasi, namun tidak …
This Global Edition has been edited to include enhancements making it more relevant to students outside the United States Parkin brings critical issues to the forefront. Each chapter begins with one of today’s key issues, and additional issues appear throughout the chapter to show the real-world applications of the theory being discussed. When the chapter concludes, students “read betwee…