This guide, which accompanies Barbara Aehlert’s Emergency Medical Technician: EMT in Action, contains convenient, essential information Emergency Medical Technicians need, in order to provide initial emergency care in the field.
Emergency Medical Responder: First Responder in Action, 1st edition by Barbara Aehlert, RN, provides the first responder student with must-know information. This product is the only product that integrates the didactic and skills information. First Responder training is the entry level of emergency medical services. This full-color, well-illustrated textbook/workbook combo is the only first res…
EMTs are often the first licensed EMS personnel to arrive on the scene of an emergency, size up the situation, and provide emergency care and transportation. They practice in a wide diversity of settings―EMTs are everywhere in our community, many of them performing their EMT duties as well as their regular jobs. These providers demonstrate pride and dedication in their role on the frontline o…
Dengan dikeluarkannya Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pembinaan Kelembagaan Agama Islam No. E/52/1995 tentang Topik Inti Kurikulum Nasional Program Strata Satiu (S-1). IAIN pada tanggal 30 Mei 1995 di Jakarta dan diberlakukan bagi mahasiswa baru mulai Tahun ’ Akademik 1995/1996, maka praktis seluruh IAIN dalam melaksanakan perkuliahannya harus berpedoman pada SK Dirjen tersebut.. Buku Strategi…