Manajemen kelas unggulan adalah pengelolaan yang dilakukan oleh madrasah terhadap kelas unggulan. Pengelolaan tersebut meliputi peserta didik, guru, kurikulum, sarana dan prasarana yang diharapkan mampu memberikan rasa nyaman kepada para peserta didik, sehingga dapat mencapai keberhasilan dalam pembelajaran dan mampu menghasilkan produk atau lulusan secara optimal. Di MTsN 2 Kabupaten Kedi…
Some teachers have problems to handle misbehavior students. Some of them get hard pressure of their student’s misbehavior. This research expresses the teaching method to handle misbehavior students and misbehavior change of main characters. This study uses descriptive qualitative method as the method. The focus of this study is kinds of misbehavior, teaching method used by teacher to …
The conversation commonly happened in purpose giving information or to entertain each other, but sometimes people also give their utterance by implicit meaning which called conversational implicature. Here, the writer would discuss about conversational implicature also the type of conversational implicature, they are: 1.) Generalized Conversational Implicature which does not need specific knowl…