This paper applies a macroeconomic-based model for estimating probabilities of default. The first part of the paper focuses on the relation between macroeconomic variables and the default behavior of Dutch firms. A convincing relationship with GDP growth and oil price and, to a lesser extent, the interest and exchange rate exists. The second part of the paper assesses the default behavior based…
Essential Mathematics for Economics and Business is established as one of the leading introductory textbooks on mathematics for students of business and economics. Combining a user–friendly approach to mathematics with practical applications to the subjects, the text provides students with a clear and comprehensible guide to mathematics. The fundamental mathematical concepts are explained in …
The aftermath of the global economic breakdown in 2008-9 underscores the risks facing Southeast Asia's growth prospects. Although the region has demonstrated exceptional resilience to external shocks emanating from economic powerhouses around the globe, Southeast Asia is in dire need of an optimal policy mix of macroeconomic and trade policy measures that differ by country, underpin domestic de…
Buku ini bicara tentang perkembangan pendidikan membaca Alqur`an. Bagaimana pendiriannya sampai bisa tersebar ke seluruh nusantara. Dikupas pula pelayanan dan pentingnya mengelola para guru dan santri. Pembelajaran manajemen dari sisi islam dikupas di sini, praktis dan mudah dicerna.
Setiap orang adalah sebuah unikum, pemilik ciri khas yang berbeda dari milik orang lain mana pun. Masing-masing individu dilahirkan dengan kreativitas yang berbeda-beda pula. Keunikan setiap orang inilah yang lalu melahirkan ”seni” menulis profil atau sosok. Dalam pelajaran penulisan feature di bangku kuliah jurnalistik, teknik dan gaya penulisan sosok jarang diajarkan. Padahal, sosok…
buku ini menyajikan pembahasan yang detail mengenai hukum waris dari tinjauan hukum perdata. pembahasan tersebut antara lain mengenai ketntuan umum hukum waris, mewaris dengan cara mengganti, golongan ahli waris, pewarisan anak luar nikah dan lain-lain. Disertakan juga contoh-contoh kasus untuk menggambarkan pewarisan dalam berbagai kasus.
Includes 10 handy do's and don'ts of using management ratios * Want to measure the true performance of your business? * Need a quick overview of the most useful ratios and how to use them? * Only want what you need to know, rather than reams of theory? With the critical management ratios required to understand how your company is performing, this book tells you what you need to know, fast.
Preparing to pass the family business on to the next generation is perhaps the roughest and most critical challenge facing business owners. Yet most businesses don't realize that succession is a lifelong process of planning and management. Leaders will learn how to create a succession plan; how to develop opportunities for succession candidates; how to build consensus with the family and lead…
Keberhasilan suatu strategi yang telah ditentukan sangat bergantung pada seberapa besar strategi tersebut sesuai dengan perubahan lingkungan, persaingan, dan situasi organisasi. Buku yang membahas secara komprehensif teknik membedah kasus bisnis dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT ini sangat berguna untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Dalam buku ini, langkah itu dimulai dengan analisis lingkunga…