Buku Islamic Marketing Manajement: Mengembangkan Bisnis dengan Hijrah ke Pemasaran Islami Mengikuti Praktik Rasulullah saw. dapat membantu Anda dalam memahami konsep manajemen pemasaran islami. Buku ini membahas secara islami berbagai hal terkait manajemen pemasaran antara lain konsep dasar manajemen pemasaran: maqashid syariah; peran pemasaran; pengembangan strategi dan rencana pemasaran; taba…
Buku ini memperlihatkan bahwa lahirnya beragam aliran, Sekte, mahzab, dan konsep-konsep pemahaman untuk mengenal Tuhan adalah sebuah sunnatullah. Bahkan keberagaman itu justru menunjukan bahwa Tuhan membuka banyak jalan bagi setiap manusia untuk mendapat kesempatan yang sama dalam mengenal, mendekati, berinteraksi, dan memesrai-Nya. Mengajak membaca buku ini tidaklah bermaksud menjerumuskan …
Pengantar Politik Global adalah buku teks utama yang memperkenalkan perubahan-perubahan penting dalam politik global dewasa ini. Secara menyeluruh, buku ini menjelaskan politik global dengan menggunakan pendekatan historis, mengkaji dan menilai beberapa teori terkait politik global, menginegrasikan isu-isu teoritis dan substantif, mengenalkan aspek-aspek penting dalam politik global, serta pemb…
Some teachers have problems to handle misbehavior students. Some of them get hard pressure of their student’s misbehavior. This research expresses the teaching method to handle misbehavior students and misbehavior change of main characters. This study uses descriptive qualitative method as the method. The focus of this study is kinds of misbehavior, teaching method used by teacher to …
The conversation commonly happened in purpose giving information or to entertain each other, but sometimes people also give their utterance by implicit meaning which called conversational implicature. Here, the writer would discuss about conversational implicature also the type of conversational implicature, they are: 1.) Generalized Conversational Implicature which does not need specific knowl…
The research was intended to describe characters education which presented in English textbook proposed by Curriculum 2013 of education Ministry of Indonesia. The study was chosen by the following considerations. They are to indicate kinds of Character Education has been compiled in English textbook Curriculum 2013 of Junior High School for Eighth grade and to elaborate the Character Educ…
Textbook played important roles in English language teaching. An evaluation of English textbook was needed to make sure the appropriate of English textbook for students. The textbook should be not only value based on visual illustration but also based on their language feature. This research aimed to analyze the transitivity of genres that is used by English in focus textbook. This stud…