Jadi muslimah itu kudu happy. Memangnya kenapa? Iya, dong, sebagai seorang muslimah, yang punya Allah di dalam hatinya, seharusnya percaya bahwa Allah akan selalu bersamanya di sepanjang kehidupannya. Apa pun masalah yang sedang dihadapi, percayalah bahwa Allah akan selalu memberi jalan keluarnya. Bukankah ada janji Allah yang berbunyi:Karena sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan, se…
This study was carried out to analyze and to classify the types and the sources of errors in writing descriptive text. The errors collected were classified based on Corder’s theory and the sources of errors collected were classified based on Brown’s theory. Besides, the purpose of this study were to find the types and causes of grammatical errors made by the eight grade students of SMPN I R…