Buku ini menguraikan uraian teoritis dan praktis bagaimana menciptakan lingkungan pembelajaran (circle of learning), mengorganisasi siswa, dan mengelola konflik sedemikian rupa sehingga tiap pihak dapat bekerja bersama, belajar bersama, dan pada akhirnya meraih sukses bersama-sama.
This study focuses on the correlation between students’ multiple intelligence and their performance in reading section of IELTS at IAIN Kediri. There are eight types of multiple intelligences according to Gardner. Those are linguistic-verbal, musical, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and naturalist intelligences. In terms of performance, it ref…
Writing is one of tools to communicate each other. It is a language skill that should be learned by almost people to deliver thought or to express feeling through written form. Writing is language skill that should be learned by the students of MTsN 5 Nganjuk. Based on syllabus, seven grade students are required to learn descriptive text. In fact, most of the students have problem related to wr…
"Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial adalah pelajaran yang sangat membosankan". Itulah kalimat yang sering dilontarkan oleh mahasiswa yang sedang mempelajari IPS. Kebosanan ini sesungguhnya bukan disebabkan oleh materinya yang cenderung teoretis dan bersifat hafalan, tetapi lebih disebabkan oleh cara mengajar yang diterapkan oleh guru terkadang monoton, tidak variatif sehingga iklim kelas pun menjadi tidak…
learning english vocbulary and aplication, self-study and classroom use is a teacher's well as student's resource book containing a selection of more then seventeen units and one hundred and ten exercises for self-study and classroom use. each unit is based around a topic area i vocabulary and followed by some exercises for better understanding. the topic in each is carefully selected so as to…