Reading is a complex process of decoding symbols in order to construct or derive meaning. Reading is good activity to increase knowledge and experiences. People can get much information, idea, and also opinion by reading. Reading becomes of the most important language skill components. The objective of this study is to know the correlation between students' reading habit and their reading compr…
Speaking is an oral communication that is used to express ideas, feelings, and thought among people. In teaching speaking, there are several things that must be done to improve students' speaking skill. The teacher must be able to be a facilitator for students in learning activities in a classroom. Many students are easy to get bored in facing English, especially toward speaking. The picture se…
Writing is a language skill used for indirect communication. However, producing written paper is not an instant thing but requires a process; the writer must think first then he can do the text. In doing the written form, the writer must pay attention to several efforts such as selecting, adding, revising, and rearranging words or sentences to produce an acceptable text. The purpose of this res…
Writing is important for English learners to transfer information and ideas. Writing is a physiological activity of the language user to put information in the written text. The role of the teachers is very important in helping the students. Even though teachers need to implement intriguing strategies to enhance students during the lesson, there is also a non-technical aspect that probably infl…
Semua masyarakat di Indonesia berhak memperoleh pendidikan tanpa memandang tingkat strata sosial yang ada. Fakta yang terjadi seakan-akan orang miskin didiskriminasi dalam mengenyam pendidikan. Baik di tempat pendidikan yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah maupun sekolah negeri yang mana tempat pendidikan tersebut didanai oleh pemerintah sendiri. Ternyata sekolah yang diselenggarakan dan didana…
One aim of education for the 21 Century Skills is to develop the problem solving, critical thinking and higher order thinking skills. The researcher using Bloom's taxonomy revised to analyze the English National Examination analyze, evaluate, create. The objective of the study are: (1) to know to what extent do the questions in English National Examination for Junior High School in 2013-2019 ac…
Pembelajaran yang mengarahkan pada kreatifitas dan keefektifan peserta didik. Higher order thinking skill pada level C4 (menganalisis), C5 (mengevaluasi) dan C6 (menemukan/mencipta) pada pembelajaran Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam, terbukti dapat menumbuh kembangkan pola fikir peserta didik yang lebih kreatif dan inovatif. Sebagaimana yang telah diterapkan oleh guru MTSN 2 Kota Kediri dalam pembelaja…
Each student has different ways to perceive information from the learning process Some prefer to listen carefully to get new information conveyed by their teacher, or perhaps they prefer to obtain further information. In contrast, other students may understand better by body movement what the teacher has demonstrated One of the factors that help determine how well students learn a second or for…