Smart Education is a new paradigm in global education that goal to increase the quality of the students in long life learning. Besides, the development of information technology and the rivalry to get a job that marked with the development of new technology which increasing of the competency. In this case, the renewal in the education need to be developed on and on and become a never-ending pro…
E-learning is a learning method that uses gadgets and internet connections to conduct learning activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study is to identify and describe the perception of English Department students of the Islamic University of Kediri city on the use of E-learning. This study involved 131 English Department students of the Islamic University of Kediri …
This research was conducted to discover the speech functions and types of politeness in English learning Process. This research is qualitative research. The subject of this research is an English teacher and students of XI MIPA 2 grade of SMA Negeri 1 Prambon. There are 32 students in that class. The researcher uses etnographic of communication as the approach of this research. To collect the d…
Pendidikan merupakan tolak ukur kemajuan bangsa, bangsa yang besaradalah bangsa yang menyiapkan generasi muda untuk belajar, sehingga pemerintah memberikan fasilitas wajib belajar selama 9 tahun. Namun ditengah-tengah situasi dunia dengan terjadinya pandemi covid-19, siswa tidak dapat terpenuhi haknya sebagai siswa untuk belajar di sekolah. Oleh karena itu pemerintah memberlakukan untuk belajar…
E-learning is the combination of two processes; the use of electronic, digital technology and media to manage and deliver teaching and learning content and collection of teaching evaluations and learning outcomes in education. This research is aimed to find out the students" perception of the use on online learning (e-learning) of 4th semester students of English language department of IAIN Ked…
The objective of this research is to investigate whether the students taught using project based learning have better writing skill than the students taught by non project based learning. The research design is quasi experimental design. The subject of the research is the student at the second grade of Sosial Class of SMAN 1 Ngadiluwih. It is done by comparing two class, experimental and contr…