Strategi pemasaran adalah serangkaian tujuan dan sasaran. kebijakan dan aturan yang memberikan arah kepada usaha-usaha pemasaran perusahaan, pada masing-masing tingkat dan acuan serta alokasinya, terutama sebagai anggapan dalam menghadapi persaingan yang selalu berubah. Untuk mengetahui potensi ekonomi usaha daur ulang sampah, dapat dilihat dari strategi pemasarannya, semakin bagus tingka…
Stabilisasi harga pangan merupakan masalah yang sering dihadapi oleh hampir setiap negara. Harga komoditas pangan yang tidak stabil dan terlalu berfluktuasi dapat merugikan dan berpotensi menimbulkan keresahan sosial Salah satu kebijakan yang dilakukan pemerintah untuk mengatasi inflasi pada komoditas pangan adalah dengan kebijakan harga pangan. Kebijakan pemerintah dalam stabilisasi harga pang…
Mistakes in the field of grammar must be considered especially in speaking skills, because speaking is a skill that must be mastered by students. Grammatical Mistakes made by students can be identified and analyzed for better purposes. The results of the analysis can provide benefits for teachers and students. For teachers, mistakes can be used as a tool to measure how well the teaching and lea…
Reading is a complex process of decoding symbols in order to construct or derive meaning. Reading is good activity to increase knowledge and experiences. People can get much information, idea, and also opinion by reading. Reading becomes of the most important language skill components. The objective of this study is to know the correlation between students' reading habit and their reading compr…
Speaking is one of the skills that people should be mastered. Students with good in speaking are usually confident in their willingness to communicate (WTC). They will be confident to speak up with another person. Students" willingness to communicate not only influence speaking skill, but it also influences all of skill. WTC refers to the probability of engaging in communication when the opp…
Speaking is an oral communication that is used to express ideas, feelings, and thought among people. In teaching speaking, there are several things that must be done to improve students' speaking skill. The teacher must be able to be a facilitator for students in learning activities in a classroom. Many students are easy to get bored in facing English, especially toward speaking. The picture se…
Writing is a language skill used for indirect communication. However, producing written paper is not an instant thing but requires a process; the writer must think first then he can do the text. In doing the written form, the writer must pay attention to several efforts such as selecting, adding, revising, and rearranging words or sentences to produce an acceptable text. The purpose of this res…