Reading is an important skill that has many benefits. However, since English is a foreign language, a lot of students at any level of education get difficulties in reading. To increase the reading skills of the students, the teachers should apply a media which is effective and interesting to teach. In previous teaching and learning activities, teachers only use printed textbooks as a learning s…
Writing English remains a difficult skill for EFL students of senior high school since they rarely practice English in daily life. In several cases, peer correction was successfully conducted for undergraduate students but it is required to test at senior high school level by combining the genre-based approach in teaching writing. Thus, this study aims at investigating the effectiveness of peer…
Considering the fact that critical thinking, self-confidence, including speaking are very fundamental skills and many education experts believe that debate is a method which improve various skills of students, this study aims at analyzing the direct and indirect contribution of debate, critical thinking, and self- confidence to enhance students speaking skill. It is quantitative study with path…
This research is to improve students' writing skills of MTs Sunan Ampel through silent video. In this research the researcher focused on improving students' writing skill in recount text by developing the imagination of eighth grade students of MT's Sunan Ampel. The method used in this research is a type of Classroom Action Research (CAR), which is to overcome and identify problems in the proce…
One of psychological factors in learning English is anxiety in speaking. Anxiety often appears in learning a foreign language because most learners consider it difficult. The anxiety is including fear, apprehension, shyness, anger, worry and confidence. The purpose of this study is to describe the problem faced by the students that makes them anxious and how they overcome their anxiety. This…
Keberhasilan ki sarmidi mangunsarkoso menjadi seorang guru tidak lantas membuatnya berpuas diri.Seorang guru tidak lantas membuatnya berpuas diri.ia pun tidak mencukupkan pengabdiannya hanya dalam bidang pendidikan. Sebagai bagian dari kaum muda terpelajar yang tercerahkan, ia aktif dalam dunia pengerakan politik kebangsaan untuk mencapai cita cita kemerekaan. Ia mengawali kiprah di dunia perge…
Siapa yang tidak kenal Ki Hajar Dewantara? Setiap anak bangsa Indonesia tentu mengenalnya. Terlahir dengan nama Raden Mas Suwardi Suryaningrat. Ia berasal dari lingkungan keluarga kraton Yogyakarta. Raden Mas Suwardi Suryaningrat, saat berusia 40, berganti nama menjadi Ki Hajar Dewantara. Semenjak itu ia tidak lagi menggunakan gelar kebangsawanan di depan namanya. Pergantian nama ini dimaksudka…
Implementing Four Square technique in teaching writing skill has shown to be effective to students' in senior high school. Four Square technique is the way to help students who are interested and inspired in easy organization in every square they have. This research deals with the effectiveness of using Four Square in teaching writing skill. The objective of this study is to find out the signif…