Writing is an important form of communication in day to day life. By writing skill, students can present their ideas and also express their feeling. Writing helps the students communicate with each other in their daily life indirectly. The aim of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of between teaching Scramble Technique and teaching without Scramble Technique in writing Con…
Buku ini berisi panduan lengkap dan praktis tentang shalat fardhu dan sunnah, mulai dari thaharah (bersuci), shalat, waktu mengerjakan shalat fardhu, bacaan-bacaan dalam shalat, adzan dan iqamah, shalat jama’ah, shalat jum’at, shalat jamak dan qashar, shalat jenazah, dzikir setelah shalat, dan shalat-shalat nawafil (sunnah), serta hikmah shalat.