Based on the writer’s preliminary study, it was found that the students could not comprehend the meaning of texts in their text book at the school. This problem was caused by some factors. For example, some students could not understand about the content of reading text and identify the detailed information of the text, so the writer was interested in carrying out the research about this …
This study is aimed at determining the relationship between students’ reading habit and their writing skill. 34 students of MAN I Kediri took a part in this study. This research used two instruments in this study, those were reading habit questionnaire, and writing skill test. The researcher adopted all of the instrument from the previous study. Questionnaire of reading habit and writing sk…
The aim of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of brainstorming technique to teach writing hortatory exposition text to the second grade students of SMAN 1 Kota Kediri. The method used in this research was a quantitative method and the research design was a quasi-experiment. The population of this study is the second grade students of SMAN 1 Kota Kediri in academic year 2017-20…
Dalam rangka Keputusan Menteri Agama Nomor 184 Tahun 2019 tentang Pedoman Implementasi Kurikulum pada Madrasah serta meningkatkan mutu, daya saing dan relevansi lulusan MA Plus Keterampilan dengan Dunia Kerja (Dunia Usaha/Dunia Industri), Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 2 Kediri ditetapkan sebagai Madrasah Aliyah Plus Keterampilan tahun 2020. Keterampilan yang diajarkan yaitu: 1)Multimedia; 2) Tat…
The use of new information tools, such as podcasts, blogs, and streaming video and audio involved the learners in teaching speaking actively. The presence of visual media presents different learning experience which can stimulate students to think creatively so that they always get new idea to express when they want to Besides, multimedia applications such as photo-sharing, video-publishing. an…
Kemiskinan di Jawa Timur menduduki peringkat tiga besar jumlah penduduk miskin berdasarkan provinsi di Indonesia. Data peta sebaran kemiskinan di Indonesia berdasarkan data BPS juga menunjukkan bahwa Jawa Timur merupakan salah satu provinsi dengan jumlah penduduk miskin lebih banyak dibandng provinsi lain di Indonesia. Ada empat tantangan utama kemiskinan di Jawa Timur: adanya dispaita jumlah p…
Writing is a part of the language learning process. Generally, there are so many problems in writing. The one of problems indicates that there is no something interested in student's attention to listen correctly or learning with full concertation. Therefore, to solve the student's attention problem in writing is needed interesting media. Instagram is one of the interesting medias. So, the purp…
Speaking is one of the most important skills in learning a foreign language, especially English. Speaking is the ability to express, convey ideas or feelings verbally. Researcher found that many students who learn English still have problems communicating with others because their speaking skills have not been developed properly and are supported by the learning process in the classroom which i…
Writing is one of skills that should be mastered by the students in learning English. The goal of writing is the students are able to write in good sentences. This research involved qualitative study especially CAR (Classroom Action Research). The aim of this study was to improve students' writing skill through STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) as teaching method. This research was condu…